Follow U.S. Conservation History Down A New PathCOMING FULL CIRCLE—A Sweeping Saga of Conservation Stewardship Across America is a groundbreaking text for our times.
By: Reader Views Following the fortunes and foibles of a multi-generational American family, readers first experience a vivid array of frontier vignettes—including wagon-crushing landslides, frontier smack-downs, buffalo killing fields, life-threatening blizzards, deadly avalanches, and Gold Rush boomtowns. Along the way, they also witness heart-warming friendships among white settlers and Native Americans while also meeting wildlife slaughtering ne'er do wells, fun-loving nomads, racist ferrymen, grizzled mountain men, trickster trappers, and ambushing poachers. Then—as the story moves through the Industrial Revolution and into modern times—merchants and developers start to dominate with their tawdry acts of wiping out entire bird rookeries for women's hats, ditching and draining south Florida's wilderness, blasting away mountaintops for coal, damming pristine rivers, destroying coastal shorelines, and fracking entire landscapes into oblivion. Emphasizing optimism, the last part of Coming Full Circle features the human resiliency that has allowed us to overcome the many existential threats—the Civil War, the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, Nazi Germany, the Cold War, COVID-19—we have faced as a Nation. The story concludes by answering this question: Will we find and apply solutions in time to save humanity's place on our beautiful planet? Co-author Budd Titlow notes, "In essence, Coming Full Circle is a fiction sequel to our 2016 award-winning, non-fiction book, Protecting the Planet—Environmental Champions from Conservation to Climate Change." Critics and reviewers are applauding the book's story for its unique approach and powerful message:
About the Authors: For the past 50 years, professional ecologist and conservationist Budd Titlow has used his pen and camera to capture the awe and wonders of our natural world. His goal has always been to inspire others to both appreciate and enjoy what he sees. Mariah Tinger is an author and educator teaching sustainability at Boston University's Questrom School of Business. Additionally, she is pursuing her Ph.D. in climate communication at Otago University in New Zealand. Coming Full Circle: A Sweeping Saga of Conservation Stewardship Across America (Olympia Publishers (2022), ISBN: 978-1800745681) For more information, visit American Bison: Credit: jack-sookan/ Wind turbines and solar panels: Credit: Goodmorning3am/ Photos: End