"40+ Fertility Tips for Women Over 40" Book Inspires Women That Society Discourages From Getting PregnantBy: Pregnancy After Forty Knowing that women in their 40s have 15-20 years more stress, alcohol, bad eating habits, preservatives, environmental toxins, pesticides, and more, it is vital to be proactive when trying to get pregnant later in life. While most of these tips help with conception, they also lend to many women having a higher probability of living longer. "When I became pregnant at 40 years old, my initial excitement quickly turned to fear. With all the daunting statistics of women 40 years old and older having miscarriages or giving birth to unhealthy babies at this age or older, I was terrified. And the lack of support from family or friends was even more discouraging," From that point on, Tamika made it her mission to create a community to support and encourage other women as they navigate their own "Pregnancy After 40" journeys and experiences because she knows how it is to feel scared and anxious throughout the entire process. That mission led to her creating the "Pregnancy After Forty Private Group" on Facebook and the "Pregnancy After 40" Podcast, which can be found on all major podcast platforms. This book provides practical fertility tips for women who are near or over 40 years old, and are thinking about or actively trying to get pregnant either naturally or with medical assistance. "If this book helps one woman to incorporate these lifestyle changes and as a result delivers a healthy baby over 40 years old, then mission accomplished," "40+ Fertility Tips For Women Over 40" is an easy-to-read 105 paged book and is now available as an eBook and paperback, and can be ordered directly from the www.40FertilityTips.com website. About the Author: Tamika Michelle Johnson was born and raised in Connecticut and currently lives in Atlanta, GA. She is an Attorney, Magazine Publisher, Entrepreneur, Speaker, and Work-Life Balance Strategist. Tamika is also married with 3 children whom she naturally conceived and delivered at 25, 41, and 43 years old. End
Page Updated Last on: Jan 16, 2023