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Follow on Google News | 3 Innovative Personalized Learning ModelsBy: ebizz In recent years, education and technology have enabled us to go beyond a "one-size-fits- Personalized learning may be given in a variety of ways, but we'll concentrate on three instructional models in this post: Project-Based Learning (PBL), Blended Learning, and the Flipped Classroom (which is actually a form of Blended Learning but is worth its own discussion). It is up to you to decide how these models may be used in your classroom. It is critical to provide education that fascinates and inspires your pupils at the appropriate level. Standing in front of the class and delivering information is unlikely to do this, so let's use these three examples to get you thinking about what else is possible. 3 Models for Personalized Learning PBL begins with a Driving Question, which is followed by an inquiry process in which students organize their views. They then choose a solution to the issue and explain their results. PBL encourages pupils to come up with their own answers to issues/problems rather than relying on someone else's. For additional information about PBL, visit the Buck Institute. Blended Learning is a teaching method that combines classroom and online learning. A dynamic teacher website, where instructors may publish tasks for students to perform or develop online, is essential in many blended classrooms. Blended learning often employs adaptive online skill-building programs ( For more information on Blended Learning, visit the Clayton Christensen Institute. Flipped Instruction alters the classroom's educational approach. The conventional paradigm, in which students practice without help at home and receive information in class, has been flipped. Instead, pupils are given the curriculum at home (usually through video), and the instructor then reinforces the video and asks them to apply what they learned in class. The teacher's role is to supplement and expand learning. As previously stated, instructors are not required to choose just one of these three individualized learning models. While one method may be optimal for one unit, another model may be better for another. End
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