![]() 'By Her Side,' Elaine Steele's AutoBio Explodes Myths and Celebrates Rosa Parks' Ordained LifeElaine Eason Steele's By Her Side shares her 45-year journey, from age 16, by the side of Mrs. Rosa L. Parks, with a true 'inside the room' view dedicated to exploding myths with truths.
By: Falcon Creek Publishing Co By Her Side is a revealing autobiography whose timing cannot be more vital, given the 'code red' state of our democracy as the recent midterm elections demonstrated, despite the less-than-lethal results. We must not relent in confronting the attack on civil rights, voting rights, and the constitution itself. Mrs. Rosa Parks and Elaine Eason Steele met in Detroit in 1961, when Elaine was a 16-year-old high school student. For 45 years, until her passing in 2005, Mrs. Steele—Co- It is unfortunate that only after Mrs. Parks' death have some engaged in revisionist history and regrettable internecine arguments regarding her singularly critical role—an ordained role whose relevance and impact endures. By Her Side, Mrs. Steele's new autobiography explodes the myths and untruths arising since Mrs. Parks' passing—myths that seek to diminish the fact her selfless act was the spark that ignited the historic Montgomery Bus Boycott—led by her friend, of many years, Mrs. Johnnie Carr, whom she met in the fifth grade. During those years, she also met E. D. Nixon, The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and others. Mrs. Steele makes clear, in By Her Side, that Mrs. Parks' activism well-predates her refusal to surrender her bus seat on December 1, 1955. In one infamous case, she represented Mrs. Recy Taylor, a 24-year-old black mother raped by six white men in 1944. Another is the Scottsboro Boys case which Mrs. Parks' long-activist- Mrs. Parks' selfless act in 1955, then age 42, on a Montgomery bus, resulted in the organization, four days later, of the historic Montgomery Bus Boycott; no other incident had before. Elaine Eason Steele's book, By Her Side, presents a true view from the inside, not one born of speculation. It is time to set the record straight. Now available at Amazon, and Barnes & Noble See more at ByHerSideBook.com Email: media@byhersidebook.com Media Phone Contact: Sheila West 313.965.0606 End
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