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Follow on Google News | Tao Climate to Build Revolutionary Technology with Google, Fight Climate Change with Industrial HempThe hemp revolution will close the UN Emissions Gap and Tao Climate software is making it happen
By: Tao Climate Tao Climate's innovative approach involves growing vast quantities of industrial hemp, which is an incredibly fast-growing plant that can absorb high amounts of carbon dioxide from the air. By using hemp in this way, Tao Climate can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, improving air quality and reducing the amount of harmful emissions. The company's technology also includes a unique process to connect value creators to make it easy to create valuable materials from industrial hemp, which can be used in a variety of applications, including construction, textiles, and biofuels. Tao Climate believes that this process can help to build a more sustainable and environmentally friendly world. "We are thrilled to be launching Tao Climate and to be using industrial hemp to fight climate change," said Gary Byrnes, CEO of Tao Climate. "Our approach is unique, and we believe that it can have a significant impact on reducing carbon dioxide levels and creating a more sustainable future. The time for the hemp revolution is now, and we believe that industrial hemp is the only way to close the UN Emissions Gap, which requires 23 billion tons of CO2 removal every year. We see this as a multi-trillion- Tao Climate is seeking impact investment to accelerate the construction of its innovative platform technology and bring it to market in 2023. The company believes that its approach has enormous potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a better world for future generations. Tao Climate today calls on the UN to remove industrial hemp from its conventions on drugs so that its potential as a sustainable crop can be fully realised worldwide, and also calls on all governments to specifically exclude industrial hemp from drugs legislation. For more information on Tao Climate and its groundbreaking technology, and to invest, please visit or contact End
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