Let's Talk Series: Antisemitism is Everyone's ConcernPresentation by Cherie R. Brown, Founder & CEO, National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI)
What is antisemitism, and why is it everyone's concern? Why is antisemitism so confusing and difficult to understand or talk about? This presentation offers a working definition of antisemitism. It explains how Antisemitism is used to divide groups from each other and how it hurts everyone—Jews and non-Jews alike. It describes why antisemitism is particularly harmful to working-class people and how it is used to shield those who profit from an unfair system. And it concludes with action steps that Jews and allies can take to eliminate antisemitism. Cherie R. Brown is the founder and executive director of the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI). Cherie has decades of experience leading training programs on diversity, equity, and inclusion on hundreds of campuses. She has led pioneering work on antisemitism, internalized antisemitism, and the intersection of antisemitism and racism for many campuses (e.g., Brown University, Michigan State University, University of North Carolina, Vassar College) and organizations (e.g., Anti-Defamation League, Hillel International, If Not Now, J Street, Jews United for Justice, National Council of Jewish Women, Truach, Union of Reform Judaism). Cherie Brown has been an adjunct faculty member at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Wyncote, Pennsylvania, teaching courses for rabbis on antisemitism and the intersection of antisemitism and racism. She is the author of several manuals, including Leading Diverse Communities: "We are honored to have Cherie present at this Let's Talk Series event. It will be informative and provide all attendees with action steps on how everyone can help eliminate antisemitism." Before the Event All registered participants will have access to a brief pre-event survey that allows questions to be submitted to our speaker. During the Event This is a webinar style event. All registered participants will have the opportunity to submit questions to our speaker during the presentation. Questions will be screened and asked, given the time allowed. After the Event All registered participants will receive a post-event email including a survey and additional resources. A recording of the event will be publicly available on the Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation website, in the days following our event. Join us via Zoom on April 19, 2023, 7-9 p.m. EDT (UTC-4), for Let's Talk Series: Antisemitism is Everyone's Concern. Registration is required for this event. Please register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/ About the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) The National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) is a renowned international leadership organization that builds Leadership for Diversity resource teams and customized training in diversity, equity, and inclusion skills on college campuses, community organizations, K-12 schools, corporations, government agencies and law enforcement worldwide. National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) Website: https://ncbi.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/ About Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation The Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation is committed to human reconciliation and the eradication of racism and other forms of human oppression. Our work focuses on healing the internal emotional and cognitive harms that have allowed racism to continue to thrive in our society. We support the efforts of many other groups and individuals by providing opportunities for learning and self-reflection so that strategies to eradicate racism can become more successful. Additional information about the Center can be found by visiting the website and by following @dcbcenter. Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation Website: http://www.dcbcenter.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/ TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End
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