April 5, 2023 -
PRLog -- InDELLible Comics and Amazing Things Press have been granted permission to use a cult favorite comic character in their All-NewPopular Comics line after the passing of its creator. Creator and Co-creator of some of the best known and loved comic book characters, comics icon, Steve Ditko (Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, Creeper, Mr. A, the Question and many more), also owned many characters he created, including the cult favorite, Killjoy, a (usually) mute hero who always spoils the crooks' plans. Appearing first as backup stories in Charlton Comics' popular E-Man comic, Killjoy was later used a few times in Ditko's creator owned comics. Upon his passing, InDELLible Comics was granted permission by Ditko's estate to use Killjoy in Crackajack Comics #1, marking the first time the character has not been done completely by Steve Ditko. Killjoy was written by David Noe and drawn by Truman Vasko and Andy MacPhee. Crackajack Comics #1, published by InDELLible Comics and Amazing Things Press is available now on (