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Follow on Google News | Why Mass Shootings Will Not StopUntil parents, teachers, law enforcement, youth and others empower themselves with information, they will not be able to intervene to prevent mass acts of violence and shootings in communities. Not just in schools but in all areas of our communities.
For many parents and others, it is more comforting to ignore the issue until it is too late. People are afraid that if they actually face the issue head on by educating temselves, they are admintting that the potential is there for it to happen in their own community. It is instead, emotionally more satisfying to pretend the risk to ourselves and children is not there. We tell ourselves that "this will never happen around me and my family". The public stands up and demands that police, schools, politicians and businesses do better in protecting us and demand they stop acts of mass violence. Yet, people are not willing to take a small period of time to educate themselves and others on HOW they can reduce and prevent mass violence, suicide, rape and exploitation, addiction and much more. When one educated themselves, they empower themselves but instead just continue living in denial. Until people start educating themselves, they will not stop the increased level of violence and crime in our societies. Instead of trying to simply erase the past of our world, we should be insisting on learning from it and taking control of our own surroundings. If you will not take action yourself to learn, you have no right to demand others to do it for you. It is a problem impacting everyone and the solution needs to be just as inclusive. To receive a free copy of the book, email To make a financial donation to provide free print copies of the book to schools and community organizations worldwide, you can call ProPIcs Canada Media Ltd. at (778) 980-4635 using a credit card securely. This is a NOT FOR PROFIT PROJECT so all funds are used to print and deliver the books to schools, libraries, community centres etc. End
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