TPAs, Fined by Regulators? Get "Third-Party Administrators Legal Guide" Today!2021 Fines, Restitution for Third-Party Administrators, Others Topped $35 Million
The TPA guide is a 51-state compilation of statutes and regulations addressing the relationship of third-party administrators (TPAs) with insurers, policyholders, and state regulators, such as the state insurance departments. Each state section of the guide addresses application requirements, surety bond requirements, record maintenance requirements, notification requirements to policyholders, and claims reporting time frames, among other topics. The guide also includes a list of more than 240 forms that TPAs use. To the extent available, the guide references form numbers and revision dates as well as TPA contacts for each state. A print/hard copy of the 605-page TPA guide is available on at According to 2021 statistical data released by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, regulators fined non-risk-bearing entities, such as third-party administrators, more than $20 million. Also, these entities, along with others, had to pay nearly $15 million in restitution for state law violations. About Croneal Consulting Group Croneal Consulting Group is an information and research services firm that provides database development services and Web portals for members of the legal, regulatory, and government communities. Besides UST Reports, a legislative/ Photos: End