TakeCHARGE Campaign Moves to Step 2: Keeping Personal Medical Records

By: Pulse CPSEA
WANTAGH, N.Y. - May 5, 2023 - PRLog -- The TakeCHARGE Campaign has laid out five steps individuals can and should take towards safer health care. The campaign aims to teach and motivate the whole community to do one of these steps each month between April and August.

May's assignment: "Keep a Record of Your Medical History and Current Medications".

To find out why medication and health history records are important, we spoke to Adriane Carrier, (MBA-HC, BSN, BCPA,) — nurse; activist; owner of Trusted Guardian Patient Advocates; Certified Mediator & Arbitrator; healthcare regulations expert . . . . and Board member of Pulse CPSEA, the patient safety nonprofit behind the TakeCHARGE campaign.

"An up-to-date medication list and written medical history can save your life," she says. "Your personal medical history and medication list are the foundation of your healthcare. In an emergency, healthcare providers need to know what medications you're taking and in what doses, as well as your medical history."

Just as a resumé helps an employer understand your suitability for a job, a personal medical history helps a clinician understand the whole picture of you as a patient. That is especially true when you are seeing a healthcare provider for the first time, or when you see multiple providers.

Carrier adds, "Keeping a current list with you at all times ensures that you receive appropriate treatment and avoid dangerous drug interactions. Sharing your medical history with your healthcare team is crucial for receiving appropriate care. Your medical history can provide valuable insight into your health status, potential risks, and previous treatments, helping your healthcare team create a plan tailored to your individual needs."

Medical care can involve potentially life-threatening situations. The answer's simple: be prepared ahead of time, with a personal and family medical history, an accurate description of new symptoms, and an up-to-date list of all medications, including non-prescription.

You can learn more about the TakeCHARGE Step 2 here (https://takecharge.care/step-2/) (https://takecharge.care/step-2/). Also look for TakeCHARGE messages on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/takechargecampaign/), Twitter (https://twitter.com/TakechargeC), Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/takechargecampaign5steps/) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/takecharge-campaign-5160a31a3/)

To support the campaign or become a partner, call 516-579-4711 or email: theTakeCHARGECampaign@gmail.com.

Ilene Corina
icorina@pulsecenterforpatientsafety.org (https://www.prlog.org/email-contact.html#12915682)

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Pulse Center for Patient Safety, Education & Advocacy
Source:Pulse CPSEA
Tags:Medical History
Location:Wantagh - New York - United States
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