![]() United Heritage Credit Union Donates over 14,000 Diapers to Support Local Families' NeedsThe United Heritage Charity Foundation Sponsored PATH's April Donation Drive
Many low-income parents across East Texas come to PATH for essential items, so PATH partners with sponsors to help meet the demand. The Charity Foundation along with the Credit Union offered to hold a Diaper Drive benefiting PATH for the month of April. The closest diaper bank to those in need is located in Dallas which is over an hour and a half away. PATH is one of the only agencies in the region that regularly distributes diapers. The UHCF Board is pleased to see the Credit Union's employees and members participate in giving to this meaningful cause, as it helps to provide families with a basic necessity. "It's been great to see what our members and employees have been able to donate for this Diaper Drive. We can't wait to deliver all of these diapers to PATH. We're thankful for the opportunity to contribute to such a worthy cause," commented Chairman Chelsea Schrimpf. United Heritage Credit Union is committed to supporting local organizations that serve the communities and help to better improve the lives of others. ### About United Heritage Credit Union United Heritage Credit Union is a full-service financial institution whose vision is "To be your primary financial institution." About United Heritage Charity Foundation Founded in 2003, the United Heritage Charity Foundation was developed as a 501(c)(3) to improve the lives of others in its local communities. The Charity Foundation's goals are to support organizations in initiatives that make Central and East Texas a better place to live, work, and attend school. The United Heritage Charity Foundation's Areas of Focus include family support services, healthcare, military & veteran assistance, and education. For more information visit, uhcf.org. The United Heritage Charity Foundation is the giving arm of the United Heritage Credit Union and has distributed over $2 million since its inception. About PATH Founded 38 years ago by Mrs. Gertrude Windsor, PATH's (People Attempting to Help) mission is to restore hope with a personalized approach to empower our East Texas neighbors to thrive in our community. PATH served 20,000 unduplicated individuals in 2022. Programs include emergency rent, utility and prescription assistance, vision and dental services, and transitional housing. PATH also offers the largest Choice Food Pantry in East Texas. Coats For Kids and seasonal drives for diapers, fans, blankets, and personal care items provide other assistance to those in need. Charity Navigator rates PATH as a 4-star charity, the highest rating possible based on financial information, accountability, and transparency. PATH is also a BBB Accredited Charity and recipient of the 2022 BBB Nonprofit Award for Excellence from the BBB of Central East Texas. PATH holds a 2022 Gold Seal of Transparency from Candid (formerly GuideStar). For more information regarding PATH, contact 903-617-2825 or visit pathhelps.org. End