netElastic Achieves 1 Terabit Throughput on its Leading-Edge vBNG4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors help create a vBNG breakthrough
By: netElastic Governments worldwide are spending millions and billions of dollars to provide internet access for all citizens. As a result, broadband providers are expanding to new markets and adding more subscribers, which is leading to greater bandwidth consumption. This is fueling the growth of software-based vBNGs, which provide greater scalability and flexibility than legacy hardware-based BNGs. netElastic, in collaboration with Intel, has been working to maximize the performance of vBNGs to meet increasing broadband demands. In recent tests, netElastic was able to record throughput of 1 Terabit per second (Tbps). These test results show that vBNGs are high-performance and can scale as network throughput grows. The raw performance test demonstrated that at 1024 byte packets, performance can reach 1 Tbps on a 2RU server powered by 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors with eight ports of 100GbE and 4 ports of 50GbE provided by Intel Ethernet 800 Series Network Adapters. "Our latest vBNG achievement with Intel's high-performance processors will give broadband providers the increased performance and scalability they need, without purchasing expensive new solutions," said Weixiao Liu, CEO at netElastic. "Customers with 64,000 to 128,000 subscribers per BNG will now be able to take advantage of these bandwidth enhancements with a simple upgrade as their bandwidth consumption increases." "Virtual BNGs are satisfying service provider requirements for greater network scale, and flexibility, said Alex Quach, Intel VP and GM Wireline and Core Network Division. "The netElastic solution with 4th Gen Xeon processors and Intel Ethernet 800 Series Adapters further expands performance capabilities that service providers require as they prepare their networks for future high-bandwidth demands." To learn more about netElastic vBNG test results and methodology, please download the full technical white paper here. About netElastic netElastic is an innovative software company providing high-performance routing solutions for broadband providers. netElastic developed one of the first software-based virtual BNGs (vBNGs) and is a market leader in vBNG technology. For more information, please visit Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. End
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