"Our Broken Family," Becomes Multiple Award WinnerThe film shows the effects that spousal abuse has on the entire family
By: Our Broken Family "Our Broken Family," follows the vision of producer Adriana Kostenetksa, A Ukrainian immigrant, who's emphasis has been showing the plight of children in the family dynamic. This film, in particular delves into the effects of a recently divorced family. The film deals with an abusive man who has bi polar disorder and how that abuse effects the rest of the family. Ultimately, the film shows how healing can happen through interdependence. "Our Broken Family," is a follow up to to Kostentkska's film "Immigrant Mother," which won an award at the prestigious Silicon Beach Film Festival, at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. "Our Broken Family," is currently making its festival run. The film was written by Katherine King and Renee Garcia (who also directed). The film stars Paige Cato, Shawn Savage, Artem Osklovitch, Naidia Osklovitctch, and Mia Osklovitch. Next up for Kostenkska are more serious films dealing with children's issues: "Receeding," For more information see https://www.imdb.com/ End
Page Updated Last on: Jun 22, 2023