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Follow on Google News | Tim Sneath: "Flutter is to apps as Unity is to games"We talked with Tim Sneath, Google's product manager for Flutter and Dart, about how both the language and the framework have evolved over the last two years, how they're being used today, and where they're headed.
By: The Interview Evrone: Your job title is "Product Manager for Flutter and Dart". What does it take to be a product manager not for consumer products, but something developer-related, namely the framework and programming language? Tim: I've never been a product manager for a consumer product, so all I know is developers! But in general, being a product manager is about combining business strategy, customer feedback, engineering resources and a certain amount of predictive intuition into creating a product that is hopefully loved by its target audience. Flutter usage has grown hugely over the last couple of years, and many of the challenges I spend my time thinking about relate to managing the trade-offs associated with that growth: how much of our resources do we dedicate to building new features versus polishing existing surface area? How do we divide our attention between internal users, enterprises and startups? How do we support new form factors like foldables and platforms like Windows and macOS without spreading ourselves too thin? Full Interview End
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