Matthew Brickman Has Conversation With Dr. Peter T. Coleman, Author of "The Way Out: How to Overcome Toxic Polarization"A leading Florida family mediator and creator of the MediateThis! Divorce & Paternity podcast, Matthew Brickman, sits down to talk with author and psychologist Dr. Peter T. Coleman about toxic polarization.
By: iMediate Inc He is the author of the book, "The Way Out: How to Overcome Toxic Polarization," Both Mr. Brickman and Dr. Coleman are experts in the field of conflict resolution as Mr. Brickman has been a conflict resolutions specialist for well over a decade, and having more recently graduated both the Harvard Business School Negotiation Mastery Program and the Negotiation Master Class at Harvard Law School. Their full conversation can be heard here: Dr. Coleman told an interesting story/analogy from his book, "You have a grandfather and a grandson, and the grandfather tells him there is a war going on inside of you between two wolves. One wolf is about greed and power and envy and challenge, and is vicious and fighting. The other Wolf is about decency and friendship and love and care and empathy. The fight that's going on between these two wills inside you is going on within everybody. And the grandson reflects for a moment and says, well, well, which Wolf will win? And the grandfather said, it's the one that you feed." Podcast episode (audio): About Matthew Brickman: Matthew Brickman is a Supreme Court of Florida certified county civil family mediator who has worked in the 15th and 19th Judicial Circuit Courts since 2009 and 2006 respectively. He is also an appellate certified mediator who mediates a variety of small claims, civil, and family cases. Mr. Brickman recently graduated both the Harvard Business School Negotiation Mastery Program and the Negotiation Master Class at Harvard Law School. Schedule your mediation at the link below: iChatMediation - Family Mediation Services, 2915 Tuscany Court, Suite 105, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 (877) 822-1479 Media Contact Matthew Brickman *** (877) 822-1479 Photo: End