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Follow on Google News | An Email Marketing Service is Small Business's Best FriendBy: Mequoda Publishing Network That's why at Mequoda, getting our message into all those inboxes is one of the cornerstones of our method. Of course, we have the resources and expertise to vigorously promote our content, but not everyone does. That's why there are literally dozens of email marketing services out there who can help even marketing rookies deploy professional, cost-effective email campaigns. But with so many choices, how do you decide on an email marketing service? What should an email marketing service provide? What you want from your email marketing service There are several criteria to consider in choosing an email marketing service. These include the features that are included, user-friendliness, the analytic options that are available, help and support, and, of course, cost. Most email marketing services include features that let you import contacts into their program, templates for creating emails, and various reporting functions. Look for extras in the email marketing service you choose: The ability to autosend emails when a specific event occurs, such as a visitor downloading a free report; social media functions; spam-checking functions, which we consider to be absolutely critical; and a survey option, something that's nice but not mandatory to have. Also consider the ease of use for your email marketing service. Navigation should be intuitive, and if you're a real beginner, a WYSIWIG interface is essential. Some email marketing services include an HTML option for more advanced users. Mequoda uses a top-tier email platform that is cost-effective, follows industry best practices, and focuses on getting your messages past SPAM filters and into recipients' inboxes. You can get access to this cost-efficient email management system for effectively engaging and monetizing your audience by joining our cooperative to benefit from lower email costs in a shared environment. Plus, you'll have access to award-winning copywriters and designers to help you craft powerful email messages—services include:
There is no shortage of email marketing service companies, and no excuse not to jumpstart your marketing with a professional email campaign. And if you have your own recommendations based on experience, please share them with the community at! End
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