Confession Me 1700 Pixels
Aug. 14, 2023 -
PRLog -- The number 1 victim of crime in the world Goranco Petrovski released new codes, information, and leads to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, 2010 Haiti genocides and COVID on 8/14/2023. The most notable codes he released were "Confession"
, Drone, the code for Florida's Governor Ron Desantis, who is also running for President in the USA. The Confession code stands for "Our Churches Nuked For Eleventh September Secretly, Indian Ocean Nuked" which leaves clues to the USA confessing to their genocides with code in words, while it also leaves clues of outside influence from other countries pinning them into this code. The code for Drone is "Dropped Nuclear Explosion" and states that a drone could have been the transportation vehicle used to deliver a nuclear bomb to the Indian Ocean 2004 tsunami. Sense a drone can be flied at night undetected drop the bomb off and be back on an American station by morning light in time to detonate the bomb. Using a drone to commit the tsunami also makes sense because a submarine would have taken weeks to travel through the Indian Ocean undetected and it would have been high risk to leave a nuclear bomb laying around in the ocean for a long period of time before being exploded. The code released for Ron Desantis name stands for "DRONE ASia Nuked Terrorizing ISlam" sense the first 5 letters in Desantis first and last name contain the word drone it fits together with the drone code Goranco Petrovski released. Goranco also mentions that looking at the US navy legal team where Desantis previously worked is a good lead to find hierarchy in the US Navy that is responsible and has direct knowledge of the tsunami. Goranco also released information about the "Ole Ole" soccer chant and clues to countries that chant this song having a large number of soccer fans in unity with the United States, which has caused these countries to have large amount of death tolls in the COVID crisis. Another notable code Goranco released was the word "Nothing" standing for "Nuked Ocean, Terrorized Haiti, India's Government" mentioning the sophistication behind India's 1 billion population countries Government and how the can contribute to crimes and sarcastically have "Nothing" to do with these crimes in their codes. For more information visit the website