Comprehensive Marketing for Very Small Businesses: Smart PR Communications offers Outsourced SolutionSmart PR Communications Principal Jeanna Van Rensselar said, "In my experience, the top (non-financial) According to Van Rensselar, these very small companies end up trying a series of disconnected marketing-related activities, such as social posts, videos, media releases, Google Ads, etc., that they conclude, after 2-3 months, are not working. And it's on to the next thing. There aren't many other options: Most very small businesses cannot afford to pay the $40,000 annual salary plus benefits for an entry-level marketer. And the pool of admins with even a minimal level of marketing skills is extremely small. Some very small businesses forego marketing altogether because, even though they know they won't get anywhere without it, just can't afford it. This means they will never be able to catch up to bigger competitors. Smart PR Communications, expended a significant amount of time and talent on creating a marketing solution tailored to these very small businesses, which they define as less than 50 employees. "We know this works," Van Rensselar added. "We are constantly evaluating the relevance of traditional marketing tools and the value of new tools that enter the market. In short, we know what works for our small business clients." The end marketing product is a cost-effective, comprehensive marketing solution meant to drive measurable results for very small businesses. The Core Solution, which is priced at under $2,000/month, is within the reach of nearly all very small businesses. Read what the solution includes at: Leading marketing communications consultant, Smart PR Communications (SPRC), specializes in creating and maintaining significant visibility for growing organizations. SPRC collaborates closely with clients and serves as either a scalable marketing dept. or as communications specialists for an existing marketing dept. SPRC maintains offices on LaSalle Street, Chicago; Naperville, Ill.; Minneapolis, Minn.; and Cleveland, Ohio. Contact Smart PR Communications, call 630-363-8081; End