![]() Is Michigan Attorney Steven G. Cohen Failing in His Fiduciary Duties, Placing Survival of The Historic Rosa Parks Institute In Peril?Farmington Hills, Michigan Attorney Steven G. Cohen has a longtime fiduciary duty to preserve the financial health of The Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self-Development in Detroit. Is he? What is happening?
By: Falcon Creek Books For Nearly all these intervening years, the institute has depended on the sole legal, fiduciary, and financial management of Attorney Steven G. Cohen of Farmington Hills, Michigan. So, why is the institute's inability to honor legitimate debts apparently not being addressed? Why has the intellectual property of Rosa Parks, including trademarks - which she bequeathed to Mrs. Steele and the institute - apparently not been properly protected? When will he respond to these existential questions? What can be done to ensure all responsibilities are immediately honored? We want to ask Mr. Cohen, but he refuses to respond or address the issue. Why are critical financial obligations going unmet? Why is the "RRPISD" (Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development) One of the most glaring apparent failures in fiduciary responsibility was Mr. Cohen's unprofessional actions and repeated failure to make still-due payments from accounts only he controls regarding the publishing of Mrs. Steele's autobiography. Mr. Cohen's approval launched the project. The project would not have commenced without his expressed approval. In one unfathomable instance, Mr. Cohen placed a high 4-digit check in the mail to the book's "writer" via a handwritten check placed in an insecure, untraceable, plain business envelope. This action arguably put his client's funds at risk and violated his legal fiduciary responsibility. Why? We are left to wonder. The "Institute" has not been funded for more than a year. It and its hardworking management are suffering and desperately need the public's help. This proud and invaluable organization is dedicated to preserving Rosa and Raymond Parks' legacy. It cannot be left to wither. Why is their attorney/financial manager showing no apparent concern for its viability and its indispensable and devoted staff? What can local and state agencies do? Does the Michigan State Bar have a role to play? Visit ByHerSideBook.com What Happened? See Falcon Creek Books/Publishing Co. https://FalconCreekBooks.com Attorney Steven G. Cohen: 30833 Northwestern Hwy Ste 205A Farmington Hills, MI 48334-2582 End