Top Ways Women Entrepreneurs Leave Money on the TableWealth generation coach Christine Walsh shows women entrepreneurs the nine ways they're getting in their own way when it comes to building wealth.
By: The Whitter Group
It is critical to recognize the value you bring to clients and price your services accordingly. Underpriced services diminish perceived value, reduce your profit margins, and make it difficult to invest in sustainable growth.
Putting a lid on your own desires and expectations by failing to communicate them is a recipe for missed revenue opportunities, lopsided (and not in your favor) negotiations, overwork, and burnout.
Failing to get clear on your goals and why you've set them leads to missed opportunities, inconsistent focus, and misaligned marketing… all of which cost you money.
Low standards impact the quality of your product or service, reduce the likelihood of repeat business, and damage your reputation.
Embracing your value and giving yourself credit for your ability to make, manage, and spend money creates a ripple effect of abundance.
The amount of money you earn and what you do with that money has nothing to do with your value as a human being. If the numbers in your bank accounts are depleted, a happy and fulfilling life is still available to you.
It may only take one decision to transform your money mindset and bring in abundant wealth. Even the smallest shifts add up to big changes.
Your decisions dictate the outcome of your money. If your mindset isn't set to attract abundance, you won't see it. You must first make the choice to do the inner work, find support, and then focus on your money-building strategy.
You didn't go into business for yourself so that you could work yourself to the bone and live in constant fear of financial ruin. You became an entrepreneur to be the author of your own future and generate wealth on your own terms. "People are able to create anything and everything they want. They have everything they need at their fingertips. But they either don't realize that or they don't choose to do it. And I'm here to show them the way." – Christine Walsh Christine Walsh is a wealth generation money coach revolutionizing the way women access radiant wealth in their businesses and their lives. She coaches top-tier women entrepreneurs to magnify their money through deep reflection and mindset work, daily practices, and sound strategy developed over her 25+ years of successful finance leadership. Her book, Be The Queen of Your Money, teaches readers how to create an abundant future by transforming the financial narrative holding them back from a life of abundance on their terms. End