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Follow on Google News | Webinar Encourages Critical Reading and Research Skills for SustainabilityGSISD Webinar Emphasizes the Role of Research-Oriented Culture for Sustainable Development
By: Global Strategic Inst' for Sustainable Development The key points of discussion during the webinar revolved around fundamental questions guiding impactful research: What constitutes a problem? Why is it a problem? How should it be solved? What is the study's purpose? These foundational inquiries laid the groundwork for effective research design and execution, ensuring that the research undertaken addresses real-world challenges, particularly in the field of sustainable development. r. Ahmad emphasized three crucial elements of successful research: the idea, data, and tools. He highlighted significance of originality in research, the sources and quality of data, and the tools necessary for comprehensive analysis. Dr. Ahmad posed two essential questions to researchers: Prof. Nader, the General Secretary of GSISD, served as the session's moderator, elucidating the significance of the chosen topic and its implications for researchers and sustainable development enthusiasts alike. Dr. Vivak shed light on his research project concerning nutrition and health in Sindh, emphasizing the dire nutritional conditions in interior Sindh and the severe implications of malnutrition on mothers and newborns. He advocated for recognizing nutrition as a fundamental pillar for building strong nations, asserting that healthy mothers lay the foundation for vibrant societies. Prof. Ahsan Ur Rahim, contributed insights into health practices within different communities in Pakistan, with a particular focus on the Kalash community's unique health culture. Mr. Azher Hayat, Advisor of the Performing Arts and Labor Division of GSISD, enriched the discussion by highlighting indigenous health practices and their significance in sustainable development efforts. End
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