Bestselling author Manswell T. Peterson, Creator of the Locrottum Universe, returns to Dragon ConManswell has attended the event online and in-person for 10 years now, and this is his second joining as a panelist. He will be participating in two panels on Saturday; Gaming the Future: Exploring STEM, Education, and Entertainment as well as From Mentors to Marvels: Unleashing the Fandom Connection. "I am looking forward to the vibe and atmosphere of Dragon Con,' he says. "I am looking forward to seeing the people. It is all about the Cosplay and the interaction on a daily basis." He will be giving away copies of his books as gifts during his panels. Using the opportunity to not just share his knowledge and love at the event but his own universe as well. Find out more information about Dragon Con at Stay connected with Manswell at Contact Manswell T. Peterson 904-891-7898 Photos: End