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Follow on Google News | What To Do If Your Car OverheatsNevada Insurance Enrollment Explains What To Do If Your Car Overheats
Today's cars have sophisticated cooling systems that are tested for everything from extreme weather to traffic jams, making them far less likely to overheat than cars manufactured 30 years ago. Even so, it still happens under certain circumstances. Why Do Cars Overheat? Your car's engine contains a fixed cylinder and a piston that moves up and down. Gas and air are sprayed into the engine's cylinder, causing little explosions that move the piston. These explosions generate a lot of heat, which is why your car needs coolant to circulate through the engine and absorb the heat. When the engine overheats, it is because there is something that is preventing heat from being removed, usually a leak or blockage in the cooling system. The good news is that you can usually avoid problems with your car's cooling system with regular maintenance from a certified mechanic. How Do You Know If Your Car Is Overheating? There are several signs that can tip you off to an overheating engine: -A strange smell coming from the engine. Coolant typically has a sweet smell, while oil has a burnt odor. -Your car's temperature gauge may spike to the H or red zone. -Steam coming from under the hood or trunk of your vehicle, depending on where the engine is located. Read the full article: Learn more: Nevada Insurance Enrollment 4260 W. Craig Road suite #150-A North Las Vegas, NV 89032 (702) 898-0554 Website: End
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