Maryland Sedation Dentistry and Surgical Center Opens in Frederick MarylandMaryland Sedation Dentistry and Surgical Center passed its state medical inspection and can begin seeing patients for sedation dentistry at its Frederick Maryland location. This will allow all dentists in the state of Maryland to provide dental procedures to their patients under both IV Sedation and General Anesthesia.
By: Maryland Sedation Dentistry and Surgical Center With 2 level 3 ORs, 3 dental procedure rooms and 1 exam room, the facility will be able to handle a large volume of patients and expects to add more doctors in the coming months. Planning for the facility commenced over 3 years ago, when architecture and engineering work began to develop this first of its kind facility. Construction began in mid 2022 and was completed in September of 2023, with testing of critical life safety systems being done in August and September of 2023. Occupancy permits were obtained in early September 2023. There are other surgical centers around the area, but none specifically built for dentistry and having all dental specialties under one roof. Having all the specialties under one roof, will allow dental work to be done in one anesthesia session, in one place and with one team, used to working closely together saving time, money and improving patient care and safety. Most dental professionals in conventional office settings are qualified to use only local anesthetics and inhalation sedation or "anxiolysis" We asked Stewart Stringer, General Manager, what made you start down this avenue. He said, "I also manage Pearlfection Dentistry, we have 14 dentists and specialists who had a need for sedation services for our patients, but we didn't have any good options. As a team we started exploring what it would look like to put an outpatient ambulatory surgical center next to our dental practice and basically build a dental hospital and open the doors to outside dentists. After some study, we determined it should be financially viable and it would fill a missing piece in our dental offering. We decided to move forward." We will welcome all dentists to bring their own patients and bill those patients out of their own office, or patients can call the center directly and we will provide one of our affiliated top-notch dentists to address the need. The phone number to call to inquire about services or for dentists to begin the rapid credentialing process is (240) 673-3283 – (240) 6-SEDATE. The innovative patient care model established for the center consists of two options: The first is a direct referral mode, whereby patients contact the center directly for an appointment and are aligned with a team of in-house doctors. MSD&SC dentists and specialists will complete the treatment plan and dentistry while a staff anesthesiologist will perform all necessary sedation services. A second option will allow patients to utilize the center through their existing dentist and utilize only the anesthesiology services. This option is a win-win for patients who prefer the familiarity of their current provider and dentists seeking a convenient anesthesiology solution while billing for their services out of their own practices. In these instances, the center will bill for facility fees and sedation services only the dentist will bill for only dental procedures performed. The MSD&SC will open its doors to all licensed dental professionals in the State of Maryland. Contact the MSD&SC: Prospective patients are encouraged to contact the center and learn more about the available options and schedule a consultation. Dental professionals can contact the center to kickstart this process or to simply discover more about how these innovative sedation dentistry services can benefit their practice. Contact R Stewart Stringer 2406733283 Photos: End