Flattoast Fashionlevel 8 Reached $290 Million In Sales and Set to Become a Standalone CompanyFashionlevel 8, Sales Matching System Has Allowed Us to Build a Consumers Base Around the Brands & Designers We Promote.
By: Moviegazoo With so many luxury brands producing more products than they can sell, the Fashion Disaster that's taking shape in Africa & South America is going to come back and bite the Fashion Industry in the ass! And by building our system around sales, the companies we partner with can base their production around the sales we place in front of them; thus eliminating 99% of the promotional cost. Fashionlevel 8 open format allows us to become their sole Touch Point! All we need is a private showing and if our team likes what they see, Fashionlevel 8 can place a $100 million order in front of a designer in real time! Because we are a new unmovable force that has access to a Global Network of People and can sell a designer or fashion house products in 70 different countries without costing them a single dime! While giving them a new option to only produce the number of items they need to fill a Fashionlevel 8 order. [Fashionlevel 8 built-in Counterfeit Protection Component is the heart of our system. But we will not go into the method in which we use to protect a Designer or Fashion House products from being bootlegged while our system is in Sales Mode.] We know Fashionlevel 8, approach won't stop Fashion Dumping overnight. But if we can connect a Sale to a Product before it's produced, we can slow down Fashion Dumping on a global scale! And yes, we are seeking to partner with, invest in new designers, or help shape new opportunities in order to create a more efficient Fashion Show and Retail Experience." End