Man, 69, Pens Book About His and Others' Near Perfect BodiesRetired financial advisor guides readers to reprogram their minds about food and diet while eliminating junk foods, and asks them to shoot and look at photographs of themselves without a shirt on or in a bathing suit as they work toward their "near perfect body."
By: NPB Society LLC A new book, The Near Perfect Body — And The Pathway To Yours, tells the true story, while delivering an important message about transforming a body you are not proud of when you are in your bathing suit or with your shirt off into one that you are proud of. "The weight loss industry has it all wrong," said author Roger Shorr, a financial advisor in the Baltimore area for 30 years who retired in 2019. "Losing weight and looking great is better fought with the mind than the body, and that's what I am teaching." In 2022, Shorr was relaxing, golfing and enjoying the fruits (and cookies, potato chips and other unhealthy foods) of his labor — and continued to look very well fed. So well fed that when he took his shirt off, he wasn't proud at all. "As a financial planner and advisor, I discovered that the real battle for an investor's success had little to do with their investments," Moving away from a perfect body, which is impossible to achieve in any event, to a near perfect body, which is very possible to achieve, Shorr says, changed everything. Without fasting, without going hungry, he found a new path to fitness and good health. "Getting a near perfect body is not a struggle; rather it involves some 'reprogramming of the mind,' performed by some rather simple techniques that, when followed closely," Shorr said. "The entire process is easy to do and is incredibly effective — and even fun." One day he realized that a battle for having a beautiful body that he could truly be proud of was not at the dinner table or in some diet pill. "It was in the mind, and only the mind…and when I realized where that battle really had to be fought, I also realized that I could win," said Shorr, who now lives in West Palm Beach, Florida. He started tinkering with ways to improve the way his body looked and it resulted in significant weight loss — and much to his surprise and the astonishment of those around him, the 68 year old became quite literally a changed man with a beautiful body. Friends saw it on the golf course, at the pool and wherever he went in his community in Florida. In the book, Shorr offers a different focal point than pounds gained and lost. His approach guides readers in how to reprogram their minds regarding food and diet and how to eliminate foods he describes as junk. It also advocates a commitment to looking at photographs they take of themselves without a shirt on or in a bathing suit as they work toward their near perfect body. "It's not about being perfect (which you can never be, in any event), but rather developing an intense desire to look good and maybe great about how you look in the mirror, with your shirt off or in your bathing suit. And making it continuously improve," Shorr said. Shorr said he wants readers to be inspired, motivated and to gain insights into how they can discover the power of their minds in the struggle to beautify their bodies, and to lose weight — and other beautiful life transformations. The book is available exclusively at The Near Perfect Body walks readers through Shorr's transformation, including how he transformed his body (and lost a lot of weight in the process) and how he came to look good with his shirt off. The transformative power of the book comes when people realize that they aren't really trying to lose weight. "What they really are trying to achieve is to look great and if they stop and think about it, they will realize that is exactly what they want," Shorr said. Two early supporters of Shorr's strategies and book are Martin Hall, Master Professional of the PGA of Great Britain and Ireland and 2008 PGA National Teacher of the Year, and Dr. Henry Lepore, a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist in Sunset Beach, NC. Shorr said he expects his idea of a near perfect body will take off so that people struggling with weight loss and other issues can support each other in the transformative mental battle for control over their bodies and minds and the beautification of both. "While I wrote this book originally to explain what I discovered about the journey to a near perfect body, the lessons can apply to nearly any goal readers want to achieve," Shorr added. Contact Bob Graham *** Photos: End