Truckers are Catching on – Save Fuel – Clean DPF's In House Save $$ – ECOFuelMaxDiesel Prices are expected to rise due to War and environmental restrictions. Truckers have finally caught on and are saving 10%+ in Fuel and cleaning their own Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF's) for 75% less.
No Warranty issues, easy to install, it only treats fuel, no motor modifications. A patented proven guaranteed opportunity. Truckers and diesel owners are now cleaning their own DPF's using Cobra Clean a Non Toxic, Non Acidic Biodegradable cleaning solution. Cobra Clean melts Carbon; you can clean a DPF in house in 24 hours without damaging heat for +/-$85. Inflation is causing the price of everything to rise. The cause is Global Warming and Environmental concerns. Vehicle or Truck owners can reduce Carbon Pollution and Greenhouse Gases (+/-70%) on their own, without having to go electric and spending tens of thousands of dollars. A Diesel Truck or Gasoline vehicle can save in excess of 10% ( Contact Cary M Nagdeman (561) 860-6888 5613951079 Photo: End