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Follow on Google News | IWPG urges for a ceasefire in Israel-HamasOn Oct 26, IWPG issued a statement called "IWPG Statement on Israel-Hamas War" and said, "The International Women's Peace Group (IWPG) strongly urges for an immediate end to the ongoing armed conflict between Israel and Hamas and for a peace agreement." IWPG pointed out that "No cause can morally justify the act of holding innocent civilians as hostage. Women, youth, and children are disproportionately affected by the ravages of war, and should this conflict persist, the toll on casualties is projected to reach tens of millions. The repercussions of such atrocity and devastation are immeasurable, and no reparations can adequately compensate for the human cost." IWPG also emphasized, "In recognition of the potential for a detrimental cycle of retaliation and counterretaliation, IWPG urges both parties to swiftly halt hostilities and engage in constructive dialogue for peace. Failure to do so jeopardizes the opportunity for a peaceful resolution, leading to a meaningless cycle of revenge." IWPG also called upon the international community to help. IWPG, a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and registered under the Department of Global Communications (DGC) appealed to the international community, including the UN, to "take immediate and appropriate measures, including the provision of humanitarian aid and active mediation to facilitate peaceful negotiations between the conflicting parties." IWPG added, "IWPG denounces all sorts of war crimes and acts of violence that disrupt world peace and is deeply dedicated to achieving world peace with women all around the world." The Israel-Hamas War started with Hamas launching an extensive attack on Israel on Oct 7. This was the first all-out war between Israel and Hamas in 9 years since the conflict in Gaza in 2014. This is biggest clash since the 4th the Middle East War in 2014, initial casualties mounting up to more than that of the 4th Middle East War. IWPG Website: End
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