Study Finds 141% Increase in Psychotropic Drug Restraints of ChildrenCCHR says the latest study showing chemical drug restraints of hospitalized children reveals a culture of coercive psychiatric practices that should be banned and prosecuted
By: CCHR International The AAP study examined over 90,000 mental health hospitalizations spanning 43 children's hospitals in the U.S. from 2016 to 2021. Pharmacological restraint was defined as the intravenous or intramuscular administration of five potent antipsychotics— Despite the average restraint rate holding constant at around 3% over the five years of the study, there were significant increases over time—ranging from 40% to 323%—in the drug restraint rates for children diagnosed with so-called disruptive disorders, bipolar disorders, eating disorders and somatic symptom disorders. The analysis asserts that more children are being subjected to drug restraints because more children are being admitted to mental health facilities. CCHR says this is an indicator of a failed psychiatric system in which billions of dollars are invested each year and should be reducing the number of children being hospitalized, not increasing it. Another recently published study in the Journal of Hospital Medicine found a nearly 370% increase nationally in the use of chemical restraints over the past decade.[2] In November, CCHR called for a ban on all pharmacologic and physical restraints, citing a similar World Health Organization (WHO) statement and an October Los Angeles Times exposé on the coercive use of restraints in psychiatric facilities. The WHO and United Nations Guideline on "Mental Health, Human Rights and Legislation" Physical restraints can result in serious physical injury or even death.[4] Cases of recent restraint deaths of a 7- and 16-year-old each resulted in a homicide ruling by medical examiners, leading in one of the cases to three staff being prosecuted and pleading guilty.[5] Experts who spoke with The Defender, a news outlet for the Children's Health Defense, also "argued reliance on chemical restraints reflects the failure of a treatment model dominated by biological psychiatry rather than offering real or lasting solutions."[6] The Defender further stated, "Given the lack of safety data on psychotropic drugs, especially for children (for antipsychotics, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications, and antidepressants) The lack of scientific support for branding children with a mental disorder was raised by Prof. Allen Frances, a psychiatrist who headed the task force updating the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders IV in 1994. Sixteen years later, he admitted that the manual had helped create false "epidemics" of "autism, attention deficit, and childhood bipolar disorder."[7] He explained further, "There are no objective tests in psychiatry—no X-ray, laboratory, or exam that says definitively that someone does or does not have a mental disorder."[8] In April 2023, Frances told The New York Post he was sorry that DSM-IV "loosened the definition of autism," and feared that his work "contributed to the creation of diagnostic fads that resulted in the massive over-diagnosis of autistic disorders in children and adults." In the early 1980s, the autism rate was 5.5 per 100,000. Between 1995, one year after the DSM-IV was published, and 1997, the rate shot up to 44.9 per 100,000. By 2007, 1 in 150 children were diagnosed with the condition. According to a Centers for Disease report, 1 in 36 children have it today.[9] Children are being arbitrarily and wrongly diagnosed with autism and other childhood "disorders," Research connects risperidone to an elevated risk of developing excess breast tissue in young boys prescribed the drug, with the manufacturer paying out $800 million in lawsuit settlements over this risk.[11] The use of physical and chemical restraints and other coercive and damaging practices being relied upon to control or alter childhood behavior is a culture that needs changing and something CCHR says it is committed to in 2024. The WHO-UN Guideline clearly states that non-intrusive, holistic approaches must replace the biomedical model. Until laws ban restraint use, CCHR urges parents to file civil and criminal complaints if a child is damaged from being physically or chemically restrained. Abuse can also be reported to CCHR here. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] End