Rossi Companies Makes Community Impact with DonationBy: Lisa Capazelli 01/20/24 The Rossi Companies Inc. a premier multi service contractor based in Indianapolis made a generous donation of $50,000.00 to the Catholic Charities with the understanding that the proceeds were to be distributed for the less fortunate in both Indianapolis, and Louisville conversely for people that are homeless and needing provisions for shelter and aide during this time of extreme cold weather. We have very close ties to the Catholic Church, and feel it's both our obligation and duty to give back to communities when people are struggling just eat and find shelter, more so when temperatures have been lingering in the single digits, compounded by snowfall. With the many partnerships that we have developed over the years, we felt compelled to set a precedent as a partner that people can relate to, and are proud of as well. In the final analysis, we feel that helping our needing members in the community is both profitable and bottomline... We will continue to monitor our surroundings as the days progress, and lend any further help that may be needed accordingly. Contact Corporate Communications Rossi Companies Inc. *** Photo: End
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