Discover the Jowl Lift: a non-invasive facial procedure created by Dr. Paulo MartinBy: CO Press Office The success of the procedure is that it rejuvenates the face and also retracts the double chin in a more natural way than a facelift. "I created the technique when I was at a conference in Monte Carlo, 20 years ago, and they introduced me to Nefertiti's Botox, a type of application on the side of the neck that caused the elevation of the cheek, in the middle third of the face. It was then that I developed a procedure that is more effective than Botox applications and less traumatic than a facelift, which rejuvenates and better defines the contours of the face", says Dr. Martin. The procedure is exclusive and unprecedented, because it does not carry the risk of "excessively stretching" the face as can happen with a facelift. "It's like going back to the way you were before, with a much more natural and subtle appearance." Click here to access your Instagram profile. Photo: End