Fossil Fuel Phase out – Is it Necessary – COST EFFECTIVE - ECOFuelMax Pollution SolutionThe USA Global Warming participants are crusading to eliminate the use of Oil, Gas and Diesel Fuels. Will it work and can it be accomplished? Options exist to reducing Carbon Pollution and Greenhouse Gases +/-92%, TODAY on existing Fossil Fueled Vehicles.
Our Elected Leaders have ignored to abide by their requirements and recommendations to Reduce Carbon Pollution ASAP. The environmental cost to create Lithium Batteries and charge them may be greater that the Carbon Pollution output of existing vehicles. It can be reduced +/-70%, TODAY! The ECO opportunity is a proven working solution on Fossil Fueled vehicles to reducing Carbon Pollution and Greenhouse Gases as well as Fuel Consumption (+/- 10%). By helping the Public and Commercial Trucking reduce Expenses, it could help reduce the runaway inflation we are living with. The solution is simple; the ECO Fuel System LLC is a proven patented guaranteed opportunity; The Certified Government Grant Test Results show a 40% to over 70% reduction of Carbon Particulates & Greenhouse Gases. Recent real life testing on multiple Long Haul Diesel Trucks have shown a 20%+ reduction in Fuel Consumption and a reduction of Carbon Pollution and REGEN Cycles by +/-92%. For a fraction of the Pollution Recovery Act cost, every petroleum vehicle in the USA could be outfitted. Results are available online (ECOFuelMax) The ECOFuelMax Pollution Solution is available to Commercial Trucking, the Public and our Government. For information or to do a test call, email or go online. Save $$ by going GREEN and Burning Clean, TODAY! Contact Cary M Nagdeman (561) 860-6888 5613951079 Photos: End