Now Available on NetGalley: The Heroes of February 22nd, Volume IMembers May Qualify for an Advance Copy of the YA Science Fiction Novel
By: DB Gibb LLC Member bloggers/reviewers, media/journalists, educators, librarians, and booksellers may qualify for an advance eBook (or PDF) version ahead of the novel's August 27, 2024 launch date at The Heroes of February 22nd, Volume I (or HOF22) is a YA science fiction novel about fourteen-year- Early reviews of HOF22 have been positive: I started it last night and didn't put it down till I was done. -Janalyn P on Goodreads The Heroes of February 22nd is a highly recommended, captivating read that seamlessly blends action-packed thrills with thought-provoking themes and quality writing. -K.C. Finn on Readers' Favorite. The story is compelling from the beginning to the end. -Ben C. on Goodreads HOF22 is distributed by World Castle Publishing through major retailers such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Google Play, Kobo; consumers and libraries through Smashwords; and wholesale for booksellers via Ingram Content Group. ABOUT To learn more about D.B. Gibb and The Heroes of February 22nd, Volume I, please visit: NetGalley helps publishers and authors promote digital review copies to book advocates and industry professionals. Publishers make digital review copies and audiobooks available for the NetGalley community to discover, request, read, and review. World Castle Publishing, LLC opened its book publishing doors March 2011. Its ultimate goal is to produce top quality novels for all readers. End