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Follow on Google News | The Florida Foreclosure ruse banks and judges are robbing the deadBy: Thomas pepe REFERENCE 1: DOCKET 59, FILING NUMBER 167883617, DATED 03/02/2023: RESPONSE TO SUMMONS ON AMENDED COMPLAINT, DATED 03/06/2023. REFERENCE 2: DOCKET 138, FIING NUMBER 191408014, DATED 02/07/2024: OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE UNDERGIRDS RICO & FRAUD ON THE COURT IN CASE NUMBER 22-CA-004118. REFERENCE 3: DOCKET 162, FILING NUMBER 194867025, DATED 03/26/2024: RESPONSE TO PROPOSED OMNIBUS ORDER FOR CASE 22-CA-004118. Based on the above references and the case dockets for Case 21-CP-001212, Case 22-CA-003265, and Case 22-CA-004118 the following is evident: 1. Judicial RICO involving court officers (attorneys and judges) exists to support a well-structured Foreclosure Ruse. 2. Those involved have totalitarian rule over those not party to it, including other attorneys. 3. The linchpin to their RICO and Foreclosure Ruse success is the Senior Judge Residential Foreclosure program. 4. It is through this program that their RICO activities and deceptions (that is, the dead bodies of evidence buried deep in the bowels of the case) can be ruled upon, which are unbeknownst to the assigned Senior Judge. 5. The willfully uninformed Senior Judge then rules, via a 5-minute Zoom meeting, not realizing that their ruling endorses the Judicial RICO activities and Foreclosure Ruse. 6. To strengthen their RICO and Foreclosure Ruse to the court and the Senior Judges, a civil case lacking jurisdiction in the circuit court is accepted and permitted to intervene to ensure Foreclosure does occur in concert with Senior Judge Foreclosure favorable rulings. 7. The combination of Judicial RICO in support of implementing a Foreclosure Ruse all supported by a program that exploits retired Senior Judges to further and legitimize RICO and the Ruse creates more potential foreclosure victims offering more prey to those willfully engaged in it. 8. Who leads and what drives this Judicial RICO and Foreclosure Ruse? Follow the MONEY TRAIL, THE OMNIBUS WILL TAKE YOU THERE Follow me on facebook Tommy Pepe Case no 22-CA-004118 End
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