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Follow on Google News | Leopold Mozart and the systemised businessLeopold was an undistinguished composer who tried out a number of jobs, including valet and engraver, before eventually finding work as a music teacher.
Immortality While a business coach cannot guarantee that level of immortality, they can, like Leopold, make things happen quicker. The successful owner constantly considers ways to make better use of that most valuable resource – time. And, unlike the young Mozart who focused on developing his own output, the business owner can only do this by getting things done through others. Growth in many small and medium sized businesses is constrained by the fact that the owner still makes all the decisions and carries out all the key tasks. Exhausted and frustrated, there is also an inclination to believe that, to make things better, the solution is to work even harder and for longer hours. This then becomes a death spiral where the 'solution' actually makes the situation worse. The process is de-motivating. Effective steps A good coach can help. Great businesses do not depend upon the owner. They depend upon systems and processes that have been thoughtfully created, tested, and implemented. This is the first step. The next is to ensure these processes become embedded and active. To be effective, they need to become an essential part of the overall business process, consistently measured and evaluated - not just yet another job for the owner to complete. Your coach can guide you so the personal task load is reduced, you have more time and vision, and your business starts growing again. Windfall business is always welcome and luck can play a big part but systemised processes are the key to prospering during good times and bad. If you would like to learn how to orchestrate the growth of your business with a free coaching session, Contact Me ( End
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