Godless Scurvy Dogs Clash with the Saved: A Pirate's Crew Sails for the Isle of Jude

By: Pirate Preacher
PIRATE COVE, TORTUGA, Haiti - June 12, 2024 - PRLog -- "Gather 'round, ye scallywags! I don' want none of ye ter be alarmed 'bout them Jude calls the 'ungodly.' Thar condemnation not be on us. He simply be warnin' us ter keep a weather eye out.

"So is he tellin' us not to judge too quickly?"

"Sharp as paint ye be, Patch-Eye Pete. Jude says in verse 22, 'Be merciful to those who doubt.' He be remindin' us that even the Saved might have moments of trepidation. Ain' a thing ter brag about, but ne'er ferget that it be by grace we be saved through faith (Ephesians 2:8)."

"So, what happens when we be saved?"

"Bodaciously fine question, Leaning Larry. When the Son rescues us, our spirit joins the Son's Spirit. We keep our body, vile and wicked though it be, and our soul, which be destined ter live ferever in hot water or a heavenly paradise. Loving John puts it this way, 'To all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gives the right to become children of God — children born not of natural descent.' (John 1:12-13)."

"What's the difference between bein' born of water and born of the Spirit, Cap'n?"

"Mighty fine question, Shifty Sam. Bein' born of water refers to natural birth, while bein' born of the Spirit is the spiritual rebirth. When a person be born again, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside 'em. If we not born afresh then we got no share in the Son (John 3:3)."

"Even the thief on the cross whar saved, ain' that right?"

"Right as rain, ye be, Shifty. The thief on the cross whar saved by the skin of his teeth, but snatching life from the jaws of death whilst on the gallows be a poor way ter go through life. Better ter live in glory with booty and beauty than be the wretched crew we whar befer the Son saved us."

"So did the Son's crew get His Spirit 'fore he died?"

" 'Fore the Son died, the Eleven whar saved but the Son's Spirit remained in Him 'till He gave up the ghost. We know they didn' have the Son's Spirit 'cause Peter denied the Son three times. A feller with the Son's Spirit 'ill not deny the Son, you may lay ter that."

"So how do we move from bein' saved to bein' faith-filled believers with the Son's power and authority?"

"Glad ye asked, Patch-Eye Pete. And I'll get ter that. But right now I feel a change in the wind, a shift in the tide, and a nap comin' on."
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Pirate Preacher
Source:Pirate Preacher
Email:***@eddiejones.org Email Verified
Tags:Salvation For Sinners
Location:Pirate Cove, Tortuga - Tortuga - Haiti
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