Attn: Art Editors, Art Galleries and Art Critics re SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION…and a painting called "Shameless Self-Promotion" by Robert M. BarrowsAttention Art Editors, Art Magazines, Art Galleries, Art Museums, Art Dealers, Art Auctions, Art Collectors, Art Critics, Art Curators, Plus Artists and Art Lovers everywhere: Here is some information about the "Inspiration" for a painting I did called "Shameless Self-Promotion."
SO...after receiving that email...and in the interests of Self-Promotion, I decided to get out my paint brushes and markers and I started doing a painting called "Shameless Self-Promotion." Then, I sent out an email promoting it. Here is the email I sent out about the painting: To: Editor From: Robert Barrows R.M. Barrows Advertising & Public Relations (and art) Re: SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION… Dear Editor: I recently sent a press release to several art magazines, and one of the magazines sent me back an email that said I could submit my own article for $99. So…here is my first draft (And it is also the text in my painting)… SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION I sent a Press Release to several Art Magazines, and one of the magazines sent me back an email that said I could submit my own article for $99. So…here is my first draft: THE CRITICS ALL AGREE He is definitely one of the greatest artists, writers, poets, songwriters and advertising minds of all times. His paintings are brilliant! There's nothing else in the world like them. His sculpture channels the works of Michelangelo, Bernini and Rodin. His poetry and writing is all very exciting and a lot of his poems would make some great song lyrics, too! His advertising work could make you rich beyond your wildest dreams! What is his name? His name is Robert M. Barrows! You can see more about him at "So, you think I'll get my 99 bucks worth?" Artistically Yours, Robert M. Barrows ### Please give me a call if you would like more information about my painting, my sculpture, my poetry, my novels, my songwriting and my advertising agency. And Yes...I am definitely available for an interview! End
Page Updated Last on: Jun 22, 2024