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Follow on Google News | Free Webinar on Leveraging AI & Machine Learning in the Digital ThreadThis presentation is part of CIMdata's educational webinar series.
By: CIMdata A digital thread is an integrated, connected framework of data that provides a comprehensive view of a product's lifecycle, from initial design through manufacturing, operation, and end-of-life. It connects data from various stages and systems, enabling seamless information flow and real-time visibility into all aspects of a product's life. A significant portion of an enterprise's intellectual property and possibly its unique value proposition lies hidden in its digital threads. As product complexity rises and product development cycles shrink, the insights gained from an enterprise's digital threads become critical to an organization's success. AI and Machine Learning (ML) technologies are compelling in identifying patterns and developing predictive models from large amounts of data. When exposed to AI and ML techniques, product and process data from an enterprise's digital thread can transform the product lifecycle. Many potential use cases are becoming visible across industries. Benefits include;
At CIMdata, we have been studying and researching the evolution of enterprise digital threads for several years. We are looking at it from the perspective of applying AI and ML technologies to generate additional enterprise value. This free webinar will share CIMdata's view on the current application of AI and ML technologies across enterprise digital threads and show how we see it evolving in the near term. Attendees at this webinar will:
According to Sandeepak Natu, the Co-Director of CIMdata's Simulation-Driven Systems Development Consulting Practice and the host for this webinar, "AI and ML have moved past the initial excitement phase in their application to support product lifecycle management. Many companies are experimenting with these technologies and are looking for impactful use cases. An enterprise's digital threads are crucial as they provide the data needed for AI/ML models. However, without a clear understanding of how these threads connect different parts of a business, AI/ML projects might not achieve their goals. At CIMdata, we guide our clients through this complex new territory." With over 25 years of experience, Sandeepak Natu has a strong multi-physics- People from multiple levels of an organization will find the information in this webinar pertinent and valuable. Executives responsible for PLM and digital thread initiatives, those responsible for digital transformation, PLM team leaders, PLM team members, PLM users, product managers, IT leadership, PLM solution providers, or anyone else who wants to understand AI trends and status within the global PLM industry will benefit from attending. During the webinar, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions about the topics discussed. To find out more, visit End
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