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Follow on Google News | TakeCHARGE Campaign Moves to Step 5: "Use an Advocate, and Be an Advocate for Others"Every sick or injured patient needs a well person to safeguard their interests.
By: Pulse CPSEA Following four months of social media, and online seminars and presentations encouraging the public to take four basic steps that will raise the chances of successful treatment outcomes, the campaign now asks everyone to be prepared before there's a medical need, by choosing an advocate. What's a Patient Advocate? What is a patient advocate and who needs one? The second question is easy: everyone who is receiving treatment from the health care system needs someone (whether family, friend or a professional) Ilene Corina, BCPA ( Selecting an advocate — or offering to be one for someone else — isn't a formal, complicated process, especially when choosing a family member or friend. It's a question of agreeing ahead of time what role the patient-to-be wants the advocate to fulfil. The TakeCHARGE Campaign ( The Campaign's social media platforms too offer hints, tips and encouragement. Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - LinkedIn - Corina concludes, "The TakeCHARGE Campaign runs officially from March through August 2021, but we intend to maintain the momentum until everyone has had a chance to take the 5 Steps to Safer Health Care." For more information, and to host a presentation for your business, organization, faith community or even your family and friends, please call (516) 579-4711. End
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