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Follow on Google News | Qué empresas de Peru exportan café tostado a Chile en 2023?By: Tradeimex List of the main exporters of coffee from Peru that export coffee toast to Chile. Peru exporta café tostado to Chile 1. Perales Huancaruna SAC - 1.800 tons metricas 2. Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera La Florida - 1.600 tons metricas 3. Café Altomayo SAC - 1.400 tons metricas 4. Café Tunki - 1.300 tons metricas 5. Café Britt Peru SAC - 1.100 tons metric 6. Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera Bagua Grande Ltda. - 1.000 tons metric 7. Café Central and Cacao del Peru - 900 tons metric 8. Café de las tierras altas de Chanchamayo - 850 tons metric 9. Unión de Productores Agropecuarios de Cafés Especiales del Sandia - 800 tons metric 10. Café Monteverde SAC - 750 tons metric Segun Peru Export Data ( WordsCharactersReading time WordsCharactersReading time End
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