Jude Madrigal releases his first children's book, "The Trick-or-Treat Tree and the First Halloween."By: Holy Grail Productions Jude was prompted to create the world of Skelly when the character transpired from a small 30 second cartoon based off a skeleton tree with a skull head that grew out of the ground. Jude stated "I love storytelling, and I believe in a diverse way of writing, there was something about growing up and loving Halloween and wanting to tell my own story about Halloween because it brought me so much joy as a child that I wanted to give something back to it." Long before the streets filled with trick-or-treaters and jack-o'-lanterns, ancient cultures whispered legends of a night when the veil between worlds grew thin. It all began with the Skelly, a jack o lantern born as a Christmas tree. In this story, Skelly's journey unfolds, the unique tree discovers that fitting in isn't always about conforming but rather about finding one's place by embracing what makes them unique. This tale is a touching exploration of identity, self-acceptance, and the courage to stand out. A tale of how Halloween became the candy-laden, costume-filled holiday we know today. "The Trick-or-Treat Tree and the First Halloween," exclusively on Amazon Books releases first book by Jude Madrigal. For Media and Press inquiries: sarah@holygrailproductions.com End