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Follow on Google News | This is what we look for in image alt text- Google's John MuellerAlt text, short for "alternative text," is an HTML attribute designed to describe images on a webpage, particularly for users who may not be able to view them. More than just an accessibility feature, alt text also serves as a critical element for SEO by providing search engines with additional information about an image's relevance to the webpage's content. Mueller's explanation emphasizes that, although image recognition technology has advanced, alt text remains crucial because AI vision alone cannot fully understand the context of an image. In a Reddit query, someone asked whether alt text is still essential given AI's ability to "see" images. Mueller responded by stating that while AI can identify what an image depicts, it cannot grasp the image's context within the webpage. For example, a photo of a beach could represent a vacation spot or the site of a chemical spill—without context, the image's meaning remains ambiguous. Alt text helps search engines understand this context, making it an indispensable tool for ranking in image search results. Mueller also explained why relying on AI to automate alt text creation might fail to capture the full potential of alt text. AI typically provides a basic description of what the image looks like, such as "photo of a beach," without incorporating the surrounding content. This lack of contextual relevance can lead to missed opportunities for optimizing SEO. Proper alt text should describe the image while integrating it with the overall message or purpose of the webpage, providing both users and search engines with valuable information. Moreover, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the standards body for web technologies, supports this approach, advising that alt text should be concise yet informative, offering users insight into the image's role on the page. As Google continues to refine its search algorithms, adhering to these guidelines is vital for maintaining optimal SEO performance. Contact the Best SEO Agency In Mumbai: End
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