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Follow on Google News | Under the Label of a "CULT" ALLATRA Continues Its JourneyALLATRA continues its mission with a clear goal: to fight against disinformation and protect our right to the truth
By: webforge ALLATRA, however, is a independent platform for scientists, activists, and those passionate about solving global problems. Our focus on climate change, democratic values, and human rights has no ties to religious or political agendas, and all activities are voluntary. We also provide a media platform open to discussing important issues, from climate change to human rights, with no topic restrictions. Why call us a "cult"? RACIRS and affiliated media use terms like "cult" to misrepresent our climate-based projects as apocalyptic. They claim we "scare people with the end of the world," when, in reality, we base our work on scientific data. This approach can be challenging for those wanting to control the narrative around critical issues. But we emphasize collaborative solutions for our future, believing that knowledge and dialogue can lead to meaningful change. Our work's importance is evident: climate change demands scientific solutions and public action. We are committed to the principles of the United Nations Charter, advocating unity and respect for humanity's survival. Despite efforts to discredit us, we continue upholding the values of freedom, honesty, and public awareness. To intensify the campaign against us, those behind these attacks have focused on an active member of the ALLATRA movement, Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. Igor Mikhailovich is a respected scientist and public figure who has never claimed to be the "leader" of the movement. Like all of us, he is a volunteer who has devoted a lot of effort to growing our movement and informing society about the most important issues. We believe that people deserve to know the truth and to distinguish facts from manipulation. We urge everyone not to accept unfounded allegations at face value! End
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