San Diego Superior Corruption Lurks as CPA Tom Gildred v Foster (NY-AG) FRIVOLOUS CASE DEFAMATION BACKLASH in Foster vs Gildred CCLB Fraud LawSan Diego Superior Court Senior Civil Judges at Loggerheads in Foster vs Gildred Bowman K. Blaine presiding as Corruption Lurks. A cool tempered North San Diego businessman Tom Gildred CPA accounts to James E Whalen, Terence Leo Greene involvement as FBI looks at Fraud Letter by Seth Alan Rafkin, Jennifer McGuire Bogue in Gildred v Foster Hon. Judge Louis Levi Nock (AG-NY). An SDSC Case Mgt Set at a distant 3.21.2025
By: NewsNetNow (CPR) Court Press Release credits:NY-AG Both men had entered into verbal business, which included a cash deposit from Tom Gildred, airline trips paying forMichael Foster to travel to and from San Diego and New York City. The business deal fell apart because of an infidelity issue between Michael and Tom Gildred's spouse, Carolina. This affected Tom Gildred's ego significantly and Tom began a highly accountable revenge strategy using power, influence and money. A New York Attorney General's investigation is currently ongoing over alleged bribery involving the New York Supreme Court Judge Honorable Judge Louis Levi Nock, who papers say "held Michael Foster by his necktie after kicking Tom Gildred, Carolina Hernandez Gildred and their attorneys Jennifer McGuire Bogue and Seth Alan Rafkin outside the presence of the Court. This information is documented publicly as Seth Alan Rafkin at the time sought to cover up the bribery by way of a letter in hopes to discredit any allegations that alleged himself or attorney Jennifer Bogue was involved or had a part to play in the alleged incident, which states; The judge proceeded to demand Foster to sign the settlement agreement. Thejudge threatened Foster to sign, or he would be held in criminal contempt of court. Foster Signed the agreement because he feared for his freedom and that he was going to be arrested," according to papers filed with the NY AG. Gildred vs Foster then gave rise to Foster vs Gildred. While Gildred continues to use money and power to cover the truth he is still seeking delineation of up to 32 of Michael Foster's business URLs. Gildred vs Foster case was settled in 2020 through a fraudulently induced settlement agreement between Michael Foster and Tom Gildred.On August 29th 2023, Foster filed a lawsuit, Superior Court Civil Case 37/202300038663- Even though "Foster vs Gildred", first "Gildred vs Foster", holds a litany of judicial misconducts, bursting at its seams, the case hardly seemed noticeable for public scrutiny, or calls for judicial watchdogs or law enforcement scrutiny by agencies such as the FBI, or HAS IT? Foster vs Gildred seeks to reverse an addendum to that agreement which listed up to 32 business URLs owned by Michael Foster to be deleted. Of those URLs owned by Michael Foster, one of which is Foster's trademark MCSI security or Foster vs Gildred, presiding is Hon Blaine K. Bowman in the Superior Court. Foster is alleging fraud, abuse of power, and unethical conduct by Tom Gildred. The case is currently ongoing with a case management conference set for March 21, 2025. More details about Foster vs Gildred: A high-ranking San Diego business executive, Tom Gildred is that pretentious victim? Questions to Tom Gildred a multi-generational San Diegan. He holds a bachelor's in ACCOUNTING. A multi-decades old business entrepreneur, holder Word-Mark "TOM GILDRED" TEAS S#:87564416 Reg.#6180516. BUT TEAS RECORDS STATES Jul.24.2016 is Tom Gildred's "First Use In Business", the exact time Gildred vs Foster allegedly began. "Providing business information regarding charitable philanthropy organizations; Contact DDR Investigates M. Alexis 619-786-5011 *** Photos: End
Page Updated Last on: Dec 15, 2024 |