![]() Citizens for West Virginia Election Integrity Calls for Urgent Reforms to Safeguard State ElectionsCitizen-Led Initiative Proposes Bold Reforms to Ensure Fair Voting, Prevent Fraud, and Set a New National Gold Standard for Election Integrity
By: C4WVEI Full Transparency is Key C4WVEI demands full transparency in our elections through a redesign of the process. Citizens feel that there is currently insufficient transparency in our elections, enabling corrupt organizations to manipulate the process and unfairly "select" their preferred winning candidate, thereby bypassing and undermining fair election practices (6). To address this, many prominent American citizens in both political parties have come out in favor of eliminating machine tabulation and requiring photo ID, among other important factors. Although there are many keys to achieving full transparency, two areas that demand transparency are 1) registration and 2) tabulation. All of us generally trust our checking accounts because we can see a statement of individual transactions and their effect on the adjusted balance – we need the same transparency in our election tabulation process. We also need to verify that the choices we submit to the ballot box are maintained throughout the system. Urgency of the Situation Several recent scientific surveys document that a majority of U.S. citizens currently distrust our election process (1,2). Reports indicate that 20% of mail-in voters in the 2020 election admitted to engaging in voter fraud (3). Voting machine vulnerabilities are identified in the 2020 film "Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America's Elections" and other more recent videos. According to a June, 2024 survey, 66% of voters believed the outcome of the 2024 Presidential Election would be affected by cheating (4). Also, citizens have serious concerns about non-citizens voting and efforts to register illegal voters further emphasize the need for these reforms (5). Identified Vulnerabilities C4WVEI has identified multiple vulnerabilities in the state's election processes. We are working with the WV Secretary of State's office, the WV Legislature, and county election officials to address these issues. The focus areas include voter registration and canvassing, strengthening voter ID requirements, ensuring trusted vote intake and tabulation practices, auditable vote counting, and accurate reporting of results to voters. Proposed Legislative Reforms We are actively engaged with members of the West Virginia Legislature's Election Integrity Caucus to introduce vital election integrity measures that promote transparency and citizen trust. C4WVEI priority issues include:
1. The voter arrives at the precinct, proves their legality to vote, and the poll worker cross-references their name from the pollbook ledger (if approved), and a paper ballot is provided 2. The legal voter fills out the ballot, enters the ballot in a lock box while retaining a serial number tear-off, and at close of the poll, all ballots are transparently hand-counted by the precinct staff with a video recording of the count and open to public representatives. 3. The secure ballot boxes are transported to the county election center along with the tabulation results, which will also be phoned in to the county; the county provides (by phone) interim and final results to the SOS and follow up with hardcopy/electronic documentation of tabulation results for tick and tie purposes. "Tick and tie" refers to the process of making sure the count for a precinct matches the count for that precinct at the county election center, the SOS website, and media results 4. Once the county election canvass is complete and vote totals are known, all ballots are scanned, and electronic copies are transmitted to the WV SOS along with final tabulation results by precinct 5. A voter can audit their own ballot anonymously on the SOS website using their retained ballot serial number and compare to a photo of their completed paper ballot; any citizen can audit any precinct by comparing the scanned ballot choices with the tabulation results for that precinct Passage of legislation featuring these principles will vastly improve transparency and citizen trust in our elections. Call to Action C4WVEI urges all West Virginia residents to support these legislative initiatives to ensure our elections are fair, transparent, and secure. By passing these reforms, West Virginia can set the "Gold Standard" for election integrity in the United States. Follow Us on Social Media:
Media Contact: Jeanette McLaughlin Communications Director Email: Citizens4WVElectionIntegrity@ Website: www.Citizens4WVElectionIntegrity.org References: 1. "Election Integrity: Most Voters Suspect Fraud" April 20, 2023. Rasmussen Reports; https://www.rasmussenreports.com/ 2. "2024 primary CNN Exit Polls: Do you think Biden legitimately won in 2020?", CNN, March 2024, https://www.cnn.com/ 3. "One-in-Five Mail-In Voters Admit They Cheated in 2020 Election", Rasmussen Reports, December 12, 2023 https://www.rasmussenreports.com/ 4. "SHOCK POLL: 66% of Voters Believe Outcome of 2024 Presidential Election Will Be Affected by Cheating", The Gateway Pundit Review of Rasmussen Reports Poll, June, 2024. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/ 5. "How non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the US — and how Republicans are trying to stop it", New York Post, Josh Christenson, June 14, 2024, https://nypost.com/ 6. "Implications of Making Ballot Images and Cast Vote Records Public", Laura Hinkle, Sarah Walker and Rachel Orey, Bipartisan Policy Center, August 17, 2023 https://www.bipartisanpolicy.org/ Contact Citizens 4 WV Election Integrity citizens4wvelectionintegrity@ Photo: https://www.prlog.org/ End