We are the ONLY nonprofit (501C3) who can make this education claim (due to our patented product)

By: Preschool Emotional Literacy Awareness, Inc.
TAMPA, Fla. - Feb. 13, 2025 - PRLog -- Specialized Preschool Education is vital for a healthy society and we have the [patented] answer that has been developed over 16 years and used by over two thousand preschoolers in Tampa Bay, FL.

OUR GOAL: We seek to locate a single major corporate sponsor interested in supporting a national preschool emotional literacy program; along with their understanding WHY it's in their long-term corporate [bottom-line] interest to do so.

WHY A CORPORATE SPONSOR: Many studies have shown that "emotional intelligence" is a stronger predictor of job performance than I.Q.

WHO BENEFITS: Preschoolers, the corporation's CSR reputation, any community with an Early Childhood Education initiatives and America at large. __________________________________________________________________

Contact: PELA (Preschool Emotional Literacy Awareness, Inc.) at Info@PELAonline.org or Mr. Johnson - 813-323-1718 (call or text)

Website: http://www.PELAonline.org
(Learn: About Us, Our Mission, Our Beginnings)

We wish to start Donating our new [all wood, stand alone] custom model Emotion Play Centers to Preschools across America (each will include the 3 Volume series of Meet Your Emotions, Express Your Emotions, Volumes 1 & 2 [Happy, Scared, Angry & Sad]). A total of 5 books with a Meet Your Emotions Audio Book CD and a Sing Along with Ms. Marilyn 10 Song CD.

We are a National Public Charity, since 2013, based in Tampa, Florida. Please feel free to read our entire website—we took our time in finding just how to achieve our objective, which was to find the ideal manner to serve preschool age children in the development of their emotional literacy (http://funfactoryeducationcorp.com/WhatisEmotionalLiterac...) competency. We carefully searched for the most committed and experienced provider with "in-the-trenches" experience and vision, not just academic acumen. Our founder determined he'd met just the person. He decided to proceed with caution—thus, we are a 501(c)3 with NO religious or political affiliations or agendas, only the total  determination that preschool age children develop their emotional literacy skills fully.

Our Board of Directors are 100% diverse volunteer professionals (serving without compensation) who are committed to Emotional Literacy for Preschoolers—they understand what it means long-term.

Media Contact
Source:Preschool Emotional Literacy Awareness, Inc.
Email:***@pelaonline.org Email Verified
Tags:Preschool Education
Location:Tampa - Florida - United States
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