Macomb Township Chiropractic Posts Numbness Relief Testimonial On YouTube and FacebookBy: Macomb Township Chiropractic MACOMB, Mich. - Feb. 14, 2025 - PRLog -- The New Year is here, and it's time to start feeling healthy again! If you've been suffering with numbness and pain in your neck, arms, hands, legs, or feet, there's a Chiropractic clinic in Macomb Township that may be able to help.
Numbness is a loss of feeling or sensation in any part of the body, but commonly occurs in the arms, hands, legs, and feet. Numbness can also be described as feeling "pins-and-needles" Macomb County Chiropractor Dr. Chris McNeil, Macomb Township Chiropractic clinic director, leads a state-of-the- A patient name Jamie, who received numbness relief at Macomb Township Chiropractic, was suffering from leg numbness and back pain for years before she found relief at the office. The numbness was affecting her whole life and limited her walking, ability to climb stairs, and sleep lying down. Dr. Chris found multiple areas in Jamie's spine that were severely misaligned, as well as a small disc bulge. A care plan that involved chiropractic adjustments, disc decompression therapy, and postural rehabilitation was created specifically for Jamie, and by the end of her plan, she was pain free, able to do stairs without assistance, walk her dog for long distances, and sleep soundly again. Her pain levels went from 7's (on a scale from 1-10) when she first came into the office, to zero's. Jamie did a numbness relief YouTube testimonial video for Macomb Township Chiropractic praising the therapy from Dr. Chris which basically gave her her life back! After years of suffering with numbness and back pain, Jamie is finally free to do whatever she wants again. You can watch her video testimonial on the MacombTwpChiro YouTube Channel. End