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Angie Wong Legacy PAC Press Releases

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By L-Srategies
Angie Wong self proclaimed whistleblower status debunked by documents from Stan Fitzgerald Legacy PAC and Patrick Collis L-Strategies
By L-Strategies LLC
Stan Fitzgerald, who is producing a film exposing government corruption, hired a P/I to review his decades old conviction.
By Spartan Investigations
Spartan Investigations reviewed polygraphs, bank records, attorney documents, exculpatory evidence and tape recordings from 23 years ago which strongly indicate Stan Fitzgerald was wrongfully convicted and he was a victim, not a co-conspirator, in this...
By L-Strategies LLC
Attorney Jared Craig Veterans for America First Georgia State Chapter President , and President of Legacy Pac , joins Stan Fitzgerald New Jersey Retired Police Detective and Veterans for Trump President with Donna Fitzgerald Veterans for Trump Ambassador.
By Spartan Investigations - Patrick Collis
Former Legacy PAC President Angie Wong requested a cease and desist order against a 96-year-old United Nations Journalist private investigator Patrick Collis uncovers.
By L-Strategies LLC
Angie Wong former president of Legacy PAC , former Veterans for Trump media rep and former L-Strategies consulting firm partner sent email to maliciously interfere with business activities.
By Spartan Investigations
Angie Wong is the former Legacy PAC President and Former Veterans for Trump Media Rep who was removed from all organizational boards on May 30th 2023 and is currently facing a 1.4 million dollar lawsuit in Georgia for Embezzlement.
By L-Strategies LLC
Angie Wong former Veterans for Trump media rep who appeared on Fox News, Real America's Voice, OAN, Red Voice Media and other conservative news outlets is being sued in Georgia for alleged embezzlement by L-Strategies.
By Virginia VFAF
Angie Wong former Legacy PAC president and conservative news commentator sued for embezzlement and defamation.
By Legacy PAC
Mark Finchem joins PAC President Jared Craig and founder Stan Fitzgerald as the new partner on the America First Political Action Committee announced Jared Craig.
By Legacy PAC
Legacy PAC founding Partner Jared Craig will take on the role of president effective Immediately by unanimous board vote announced PAC founder Stan Fitzgerald.
By L-Strategies LLC
L-Strategies, a consulting firm founded by Donna and Stan Fitzgerald of Georgia has announced Angie Wong is moving on from the firm.
By Legacy PAC
Angie Wong , a former partner in the PAC , will be working on her media career full time and the PAC will announce a replacement in the near future announced Jared Craig Legacy PAC Attorney.
By L-Strategies LLC
Angie Wong, Jared Craig, Donna and Stan Fitzgerald at L-Strategies announce John Fredricks is a client of the firm and the team will be joining the forthcoming Trump bus tour.
By Legacy PAC
Legacy PAC President Angie Wong represented the political action committee while working as a journalist on several media hits throughout the day during the arraignment in Manhattan announced Stan Fitzgerald Legacy PAC founding partner.

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