By Black and Gold Books LLC New Mystery Thriller Nick Grayson: The Truth in the Lies Explores Moral Ambiguity, Redemption, and the Complexities of Truth and Trust
 | By Karol Lagodzki Debut novel by witness to martial law in Poland examines choices made in the crucible of a system bent on policing thought and controlling all facets of daily life.
 | By NYMAD Productions Award-winning playwright, screenwriter, and founder of the New York Madness Theater Company, Cecilia Copeland debuts Sci-Fi novel, Taltrix Book One Surviving the Gauntlet.
By Auteur Alain Couture Découvrez un nouvel auteur québécois de la région de l'Outaouais
By Beezer Books Press IF YOU LOVED SOMEONE in a past life, would you love them again in this one? What about the next one? If so, then why? The Physics of Why addresses this question and others by telling three different stories about two people whose destinies cross paths...
 | By Hot Tree Publishing Unveiling 'Not Without Me': A Gripping Tale of Love, Betrayal, and Redemption
 | By Chayla Wolfberg Los Angeles, CA - Get ready to dive into the fast-paced world of late-night television with Chayla Wolfberg's highly anticipated debut novel Late Night Love set to release on February 20th, 2024.
 | By Central Park Communications Main character Sherrie grew up with close-knit, Old World family in Chicago's South Shore community before becoming a woman dealing with the changing world of the 1960s and beyond.
By PRESS RELEASE: THE EMPTY QUARTER: A Fantasy Sydney, Jan 20, 2024 – Long before prospectors stumbled upon black gold under the searing sands of the Saudi Arabian desert and overnight transformed the sprawl of Bedouin tent encampments into the...
 | By Spiritual Suspense Novel Travelers Awarded for First Novel and General Fiction
 | By Brass Cannon Books Francis Hamit has two award-winning film scripts ready to go, but he does not cross picket lines. During the WGA strike he decided to pivot and release his long novel STARMEN through KICKSTARTER where anyone can get the E-Book edition for one dollar.