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204 views, By The Bolger Foundation The Bolger Foundation has announced its latest grant recipients. Almost $1 million was awarded to 13 nonprofits, half as challenge grants. Five requests were funded outright..
| 167 views, By The Bolger Foundation The Bolger Foundation has announced the results of its Fall 2023 grant cycle. Thirteen 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations received nearly $525,000 altogether, including nine challenge grants totalling $410,000.
| 58 views, By The Bolger Foundation The Bolger Foundation is proud to announce that Fall 2022 grant recipient Dawn Treader Christian School (DawnTreaderChristian.org) of Paterson, NJ, has met the foundation's $125,000 challenge.
| 475 views, By DateNDogCafe Date 'n' Dog have launched the app and offer a fantastic eating location that is certain to delight taste buds and produce lifelong memories.
| 83 views, By The Bolger Foundation The Bolger Foundation has announced the results of its November 1, 2022-February 1, 2023 funding cycle. Ten (501)(c)(3) organizations will receive a total of $620,300, including $350,000 via challenge grants.
| 329 views, By Diagsenseltd At Date'n'dog we allow you to find out about your loved one and/or find a way of coping with life that does not push love away. We have launched the app to make your journey easy.
| 372 views, By Madison Adams Real Estate Are you a property buyer? If yes, then Madison Adams™ Real Estate won't charge any additional fee from you.
| 681 views, By Date’N’Dog Café If you are looking for a space where you can enjoy a coffee date with your girlfriend or any other loved one, try some special lattes in Ridgewood, New Jersey.
| 445 views, By DateNDogCafe Date'N'Dog Café is a one-of-a-kind establishment that offers a unique and unforgettable dining experience.
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